- 發布時間 : 2025-1-24 15:46:35
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(Summary description)Customized SILICONE STRUCTURAL SEALANT from China manufacturer refers to the adhesive with high strength, can bear large load, aging resistance, fatigue resistance and corrosion resistance, and has stable performance within the expected life. It is suitable for bearing the bonding of strong structural parts. Non structural adhesive has low strength and poor durability. It can only be used for bonding, sealing and fixing of ordinary and temporary properties, and cannot be used for structural adhesive bonding. NEUTRAL SILICONE WETHERPROOF SEALANT from China manufacturer is a structural adhesive with waterproof function. Silicone glue refers to the adhesive based on silicone rubber. According to different functions, it can be divided into structural adhesive, potting adhesive, sealant, thermal conductive adhesive, flame retardant adhesive and so on.
(Summary description)Customized SILICONE STRUCTURAL SEALANT from China manufacturer refers to the adhesive with high strength, can bear large load, aging resistance, fatigue resistance and corrosion resistance, and has stable performance within the expected life. It is suitable for bearing the bonding of strong structural parts. Non structural adhesive has low strength and poor durability. It can only be used for bonding, sealing and fixing of ordinary and temporary properties, and cannot be used for structural adhesive bonding. NEUTRAL SILICONE WETHERPROOF SEALANT from China manufacturer is a structural adhesive with waterproof function. Silicone glue refers to the adhesive based on silicone rubber. According to different functions, it can be divided into structural adhesive, potting adhesive, sealant, thermal conductive adhesive, flame retardant adhesive and so on.
- 發布時間 : 2025-1-24 15:46:35
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按(Q/CR 491.1-2016、GB/T 528-2009,和GB/T 7124-20085,標準,參照MS密封膠的施工工藝流程,分別制備啞鈴型拉伸試樣((2型)和拉伸剪切試樣(鋁合金對玻璃)。高低溫循環交變老化試驗按照Q/Clt 491.1-2016標準進行高低溫循環交變老化試驗。一個循環為:80℃, 95%相對濕度下放置4h,2h內冷卻到一40 ℃,并在-40℃下放置4h,然后2h內升一溫到80 ℃ ,95%RH。試驗周期分另l為0,480,720,960、1440 h,按照GB/T 14522-2008'6,標準進行紫外老化試驗,采用暴露周期類型2。一個循環為:8h干燥,紫外波長340 nm ,輻照度(0.76士0.02 W/W,黑板溫。
MS密封膠經高低溫循環交變老化后,拉伸性能和拉伸剪切強度測試結果分別如圖1和圖2所示可知:在高低溫循環交變老化過程‘1',拉介,強度和斷裂伸長率均呈先升后降的趨勢戶本研究采用的密封膠主要成分為硅烷偶聯劑封端的聚氨 預聚體,其固化機理為硅烷偶聯劑交聯固化。在老化前期,膠粘劑內部尚殘留有未固化的硅烷偶聯劑,在高溫高濕環境下,硅烷偶聯劑進一步交聯固化,進而導致拉伸強度的上升,在老化后期,拉伸強度下降主要有如下兩個原因:第一,高溫高濕環境下水分子滲透進人膠粘劑本體大分子網絡中,降低了膠粘劑大分子之間的氫鍵和其他次價鍵作用力,水分子對膠層起到塑作用;第二,水分子會導致入T5密封膠大分子鏈存在的氦從甲酸醞叢發生水解反應,水解產生的梭酸會作為催化劑進一步促進水解反應的發生,水解導致大分子鏈斷裂,內聚強度明顯下降。http://www.www.machasoul.com/
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